Becoming a Parent

A Personal Leadership Journey

A personal development journey for new parents.

Becoming a parent is a transformative moment where your values, priorities and career ambitions are renewed and up for consideration. As a new parent this transformation often urge us to act on our gut feelings – maybe feeling alone, insecure and disconnected from the workplace and role that we have left behind or a role we have returned to, now as a ‘new person’.

Whether we choose to discard our new thoughts and feelings or act on them without further investigation this way of handling our new situation will not necessarily lead us to a better place.

With this programme, we help you reconnect with your values, explore your ambitions and navigate a career that feels aligned to you.

We offer a conscious alternative and invite you on a course where you get the chance to reconnect with your values and priorities as well as your new opportunities.

This course is for you who want to remove barriers for your own happiness and success as a working parent and pave the way for making conscious choices from the possibilities available to you.

Welcome to Becoming a Parent.


Purpose of the Course

The purpose of this course is to give you a safe space to explore and understand yourself as a parent to effectively navigate parenthood and career with purpose.

Together with a group of likeminded you will get an opportunity to explore your career dreams and goals and learn how to integrate yourself as a parent in the workplace.

We will delve into your biases and beliefs around parenthood and career to bring to surface where you are holding yourself back and not showing up authentically and explore how being a parent is your new superpower.

This course will in other words turn a transformative moment in your life into a possibility to reconnect with your purpose and values and meet the world as a whole person while building an aligned and purposeful career.

Our Training Approach

All our trainings are designed with a holistic approach nurturing all human aspects; mind, body, and spirit.

We focus on activating all of your senses to ensure optimal learning and a profound experience:. We do that by:

  • Inviting you to experience deep self-awareness by practicing breath-work and mindfulness techniques

  • Challenging you to calm your mind & engage heart & soul

  • Providing a safe space for self-reflection and exploration

  • Sparking your curiosity towards the spiritual realm

  • Inviting nature in as much as possible

  • Serving healthy and energizing brain food and drinks

  • Choosing inspiring training locations

What you will get…

  • 1 virtual kick-off (09.00-10.00)

  • 4 days of virtual training (08.00-12.00)

  • A safe space to explore and practice

  • An opportunity to connect & network

What you will learn…

By joining this course, you will learn how to:

  • Explore your core values, connect to – and live from them.

  • Uncover your beliefs around career and parenthood.

  • Discover new competences and prepare you for dialogues around your career.

  • Explore career ambitions and opportunities.

  • Understand how your purpose can guide and energise you.

Who should join?

This course is for you who:

  • Have just become a parent and find yourself in unknown territory.

  • Juggle to find a better balance between work-life and a life with smaller children.

  • Are curious to explore your own core values and connect to – and live from them.

  • Wants to uncover your own beliefs around career and parenthood and thereby expand your possibilities.

  • Would like discover and develop the new competencies you gain when becoming a parent.

We can tailor and customise all our courses to fit your specific needs.


You can sign up as an individual or a team.
Either way, follow the link below.

Any Questions?
If you are curious to learn more, please reach out to or +45 6016 2021

Nothing changes before you do