Strategic Parental Culture


A strategic focus on your parental culture is a ‘no brainer’.

Yes, we know it’s a bold statement, but we also know that:

  • 70% of employees on leave consider finding a new job and 25-35% actually do so and quit.

  • 0,5-1. mio. DKK is the cost of loosing a good employee.

  • Companies with a strategic focus on building meaningful parental cultures are 50% more likely to hold on to their employees.

    (Barsel pĂ¥ bundlinjen, 2023)

The numbers are clear; having a strategic approach to your parental culture will not only support your employees before, during, and after leave, but also improve your bottom line.

As an employer you have a choice – to take the chance and make your employees gut feelings do the job – or to become a relevant sparring partner in the period of time where your employee easily can feel alone and disconnected from the workplace and role that was left behind.

We offer flexible experiences for your organisation, leaders and employees to become conscious of the possibilities that come with becoming a parent.

Companies with a strategic focus on building meaningful parental cultures can decrease turnover with approx. 50%

Highlighting some of the benefits our approach will give your company.

  • Aprrox. 25-35 % of employees on leave will apply for a new position outside the company. When adding the average cost of losing an employee (500.000 - 1. mio. DKK), it can be very costly not to address the issue strategically.

    In fact, companies with a strategic focus on building strong parental cultures experience a 50 % decrease in people applying for new jobs during their leave or shortly after returning to work.

  • Our approach to building strategic parental cultures not only helps your leaders to engage with working parents and employees on leave more effectively and with compassion.

    Our approach also helps leaders work actively on reducing own biases and beliefs around gender/family life/leave making the connection between leader and employee even stronger.

  • Being part of a company culture and having leaders who understands and have a language to address e.g. the worries, doubts, new values and priorities that follow with becoming a parent in an open and inclusive manner - increase the psychological safety and reduce the risk of practical, emotional and social stress.

    Thereby increasing the sense of belonging and the overall engagement.

  • Having a strategic approach to your parental culture and providing great employee experiences for parents will make your company more attractive for people with children to apply and work for you.

    Alongside your brand will be strengthened by showing the social responsibility of creating an inclusive and diverse workplace.

  • Creating a company culture which embrace and value the capabilities acquired as a parent during leave will give your company new opportunities.

    One key benefit to highligt when it comes to inclusion and diversity in this context is the strengthened pipeline of female leaders.

  • The green responsibility agenda has happily gotten a new friend - e.g. taking a stand when it comes to the social environment characterising your company.

    Our strategic approach to parental leave address and develope both your organisational culture and structure, and your leaders and your employees awareness and ability to let the absolutely natural part of a (work)-life -becoming a parent - be a growth opportunity.

  • Often employees going on leave and returning from leave experience to be overlooked, or get less important tasks and responsibilities - even being passed by getting a promotion or a pay race.

    However as we describe below, becoming a parent and taking leave actually give you a new and strengthened set of competencies when it comes to e.g. emotional intelligence, decision making, change readiness.

  • Very few companies actually have a data driven approach to parental leave. This is quite starteling since it is a given that 3-6 % of your employees will go on leave every year.

    The new maternity legislation in Denmark, earmarks 24 weeks of leave to the father, which means that app. 50.000-100.000 parents are expected to go on leave on a yearly basis in Danish companies.

    Keeping track on your improvement areas and where you progress will give you a valuable input on how to keep a competitive advantage.

Curious about how we can support your company in building a strategic parental culture?

Let’s get in touch